Connecting the dots from plant to plate

Farming Redefined

Elevate Your Farm’s Efficiency in The Digital Era


Our powerful farming app is designed to revolutionize the way you manage your farm, ensuring every aspect of your operation is optimized for success.

From streamlined employee integration and financial analysis to goal-driven business solutions, equipment maintenance, payroll management and smart farming insights, AgTrakk is your all-in-one digital solution.

Employee Integration

By standardizing training, requirements and processes from start to finish, you can set your employees up for success. Easily onboard and integrate new team members through our high-efficiency portal that contains everything they need in one place: training materials, company resources, paperwork, documentation and more.

Financial Analysis

Farms need to monitor their financial performance in order to make well-formed business decisions to further drive their success. With our software, track your progress and plan ahead accordingly.

Business Solutions

Develop and deploy goal-driven strategies to help you achieve your short- and long-term objectives. With our software, track your performance and progress to stay on the right path for your specific goals.

Equipment Maintenance

You invest a lot of time and money into your equipment and machinery, so it’s important to keep up with their warranties and scheduled preventative maintenance. By tracking and storing all of your equipment maintenance data in a central location, you’ll be able to make the most of your investments, and you’ll be improving safety on your farm too.

Payroll Management

Eliminate inefficiency by tracking employee tasks, hours and payroll data. If you need to know who, what, where and when, then Agtrakk is your digital solution for efficient payroll management.

Smart Farming

We’re bringing farming into the digital age. Farm smart with Agtrakk by always knowing the status and condition of your fields. With our software, you can track, store and manage all of your data in one place. Maximize your farm’s efficiency by fully preparing for many growing seasons to come.

Contact Us

Your feedback is important to us. With your valuable insight, we can improve our platform to better serve you and others in the future. Whether you have a question, a suggestion or anything at all to mention, we’d love to hear from you.

Fill out this contact form, or call us on our number:


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Family Farm

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Connecting the Dots from Plant to Plate

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